Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Canadian Test-Run

Today Cecilia and I embarked for Montreal, just for looksies, just to see. We were up almost before the sun and a little bit chilly and grouchy and overcast, but some French toast took the edge off.

We took the family GPS unit (who we have named Fiona, for future reference) with us, and usually she is pretty reliable. Usually. But we cannot disobey, because she just gets so cross. Nothing is worse than a cross GPS lady. So fast forward to Cecilia and I, 8 AM, driving along, wanting to get to Montreal as quickly as possible, and we're leaving Stowe in a weird way. But I go with it. Then all of the sudden I realize that Fiona is taking us OVER A MOUNTAIN (Smuggler's Notch, to be precise) to get to Canada. Which distance-wise, might have been closest, but was certainly not time-wise. We are ascending this mountain and it was CLOUDY this morning, so we have driven into a cloud on a mountain and there are no road lines and we have never been collectively so scared. At first, we thought it was so romantic, like sneaking off to see your lover in the misty mountains, but that got old fast as we drove into the cloud and could see no more than ten feet in front of us. But we got to Montreal unscathed, never fear, and had lots of fun stomping around McGill taking care of my legal/immigration issues, housing things, and eating delicious Lebanese food. We also enjoyed the fact that the weather really cleared up and we met up with our old friend Conrad from Fairchild for chat and ice cream, and realized how much we enjoy Oberlin people outside of Oberlin.

We the three (Pop, Cecilia, and me) are all stuffed to the gills with dinner and being horizontal is mostly the only direction that is working for us. Tomorrow we are contemplating a trip to Burlington to find some other Oberlin friends and also just to explore another city.

My apartment in Montreal is sweet, there is a balcony and I feel pretty solid about it. Cecilia and I found a magical grocery store called Eden and they are not kidding. It is pretty eden-like for me. Sadly, I live west of Eden. It would be really great if I lived east of Eden (har har har oh literature jokes).

The next few days will be busy, but exciting. Montreal for Beginners to follow.

Also, avoid driving over mountains to get places. Especially in the cloudy times.


  1. "we took the family GPS unit (who we named Fiona"

    it should read 'we took the GPS unit, WHOM we named Fiona"

  2. Also I've been to Smugglers Notch. I saw my first moooose there
